Looking for a Medical Loan in Singapore?

You arrived on this page because you were searching for a Medical Loan  in Singapore.

We understand that you are currently looking for a medical loan to fund an important medical procedure.

Funding a medical procedure with a medical loan

If you are currently facing a medical emergency, and are looking for a medical loan, you have come to the right place.

At 96BM Capital Pte Ltd, we offer a hassle-free medical loan which has quick turnaround times of 30 minutes.

3 Things To Look Out For Before You Apply For Your Medical Loan

Have an estimate of how much the medical procedure will cost

By now, the doctor or hospital would already have given you an estimate of how much the medical procedure might cost.

Ensure that you borrow a sufficient amount in order to cover the balance that is required to fund the medical procedure.

This is extremely critical as we do not want any complications of the medical procedure being unable to proceed due to a lack of funding midway through the procedure.

Speak to an experienced loan officer

Loan officers will be able to guide you through the application process of a medical loan. With many years of experience under their belt, they will be able to advise you accordingly on the loan amount, the loan quantum, loan tenure, alongside other important factors that you have to know about your medical loan.


Prepare documentation and apply for the medical loan

Documentation such as your latest 3 months of payslip and your identity card is required for the application of a medical loan. Additionally, if you combine the payslips of you and your partner, your loan quantum will naturally be higher as well.

Frequently Asked Questions About Medical Loans in Singapore

No, unfortunately, CPF savings cannot be used for medical loans.

It depends on what your medical procedure is. Ensure that you borrow more than required for your medical loan so you don’t run into complications along the way if you do require more funding.

It is extremely critical that we attend to our medical needs immediately! We only have one life. 

Simply apply with us on this page, and our loan officer will get back to you shortly..